Thanks to intelligent planning, City of Troy companies and residents have access to an abundance of utilities at very affordable rates. From electricity, to natural gas, to clean water and sewer, our utility providers have developed systems with plenty of capacity to accommodate the most demanding industries.
Several industrial areas of the city have large amounts of electricity available for industrial expansion. A 69/138 kV substation with conductor of up to 7MW capacity is near the Troy Industrial Park North allowing for projects with a LARGE electric need.
Water utilities, provided by the City of Troy, is capable of pumping 4 million gallons a day from the Great Miami Valley Buried Aquifer which stores 1.5 trillion gallons of water.
Wastewater utilities, provided by the City of Troy, has a hydraulic loading capacity of 19.6 million gallons a day. Plant currently treats approximately 5.5 gallons a day, providing ample wastewater capacity.
In addition, our area has extensive (and redundant) fiber capacity, giving companies that are heavily dependent upon data and employees who expect generous broadband the resources they need. Three respected and well-known fiber companies serve Troy.
Dayton Power & Light – https://www.dpandl.com/About-DPL/Community/Investments/Economic-Development/
Pioneer Electric – www.pioneerec.com
Natural Gas
Vectren – www.vectren.com
Water & Sewer
City of Troy, Water Distribution and Sewer Maintenance – www.troyohio.gov/164/Water-Distribution-Sewer-Maintenance
Fiber Optic
Spectrum – www.business.spectrum.com/service/ohio/troy
Frontier – www.business.frontier.com/
MetroNet – www.business.metronetinc.com/
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